A student scooping water from small ditch of water surrounded by grasses


The Opportunity of Inquiry

For scholars who share a common passion for inquiry because of what it can reveal about our world and ourselves, there is opportunity here.

Research at ND

A group of students singing while sunshine pours through the trees above them

Faith & Service

The Demands of Justice

Notre Dame is animated by a faith that inspires us to seek knowledge because of the powerful tool it can be to improve humankind.

Faith & Service at ND

A young man wearing a blue Notre Dame backback is looking down the length of the Great Wall of China


The Connected World

Notre Dame seeks to be in the world, and to bring the world to Notre Dame, because inquiry and scholarly exchange are enriched by the pursuit of cultural fluency.

Global Scholarship at ND

University News

Notre Dame At Work

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A headshot of a young woman with long brown hair against a black background. She wears a black blazer and a dark red shirt. She is smiling slightly and looking off to the right side of the frame.

Latest News

Senior Emma Powers named 2025 Gates Cambridge Scholar

University of Notre Dame senior Emma Powers will study oncology at the University of Cambridge this fall as a Gates Cambridge Scholar. Powers is an honors biochemistry major with a minor in data science. She is a Sorin Scholar through the Flatley Center for Undergraduate…

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Archbishop Borys Gudziak returns to Notre Dame to discuss cultivating hope in Ukraine

The Nanovic Institute for European Studies will host a Ukrainian Studies Conference March 6 (Thursday) through March 8 (Saturday). This international and interdisciplinary conference, titled “Revolutions of Hope: Resilience and Recovery in Ukraine,” is presented in collaboration with the Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) and is dedicated to the ethics and politics of hope in contemporary Ukraine. The keynote event will welcome Archbishop Borys Gudziak, president of UCU and Metropolitan-Archbishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia, who spoke at Notre Dame’s 2022 Commencement.

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University Stories

Notre Dame In Focus

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A group of people stand at the top of the Trail of the Fallen near West Point, a steep hike that ends at a large mound of stones that have been carried up and placed in memory of soldiers who have died in military conflicts. In the foreground is the American flag.


Reasons to serve

History, West Point, and 9/11 memorial inspire ND ROTC students in New York